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In a world not far away, just beyond your sugar bowl... a world ruled by butterflies, flowers and gum drops! A world where frogs sing, elephants sparkle and lightning bugs glitter. In this world you will find things you have only imagined... wonderful, shiny, yummy, delightful things. It's a place full of sweet creatures, magical journey and plenty of surprises! Please join Sugar 3 in a journey into a world that will make your mouth giggle, your eyes twinkle, and your heart melt...WELCOME TO THE SUGAR CUBE!

From the moment she was born, Fairy Sweet was a little girl like no other. She was born with a heart upon her cheek. She got her name because whenever people would see her, they would say..."Oh my, she is very sweet!" After hearing this time and time again, soon she became known as "Fairy Sweet". She has wonderful pink hair and styled JUST right! Fairy's smile could make a bumblebee sing. She has a fashion sense like no other in her land and she makes red boots look great all year round! Fairy is a fantastic little girl with so much to share with you. She likes just about anything that shines just like the stars!!!
Fairy Sweet lives in a magical toadstool hidden deep in an enchanted forest. Only a few lucky few ever found their way - but if you ever do find that one enchanted forest, this is what you must do: Follow the path until you find a stone that looks exactly like a crescent moon. Stand on this stone and turn around 3 times- when you stop, a sparkling silver stream will appear before you. Jump over the stream and run as fast as you can along the winding path lined with wildflowers. All at once you will see a wildflower different from all the others - it is shaped like a heart and looks just as if it would like to tell you something.....put your ear to the flower and it will whisper a magical word...close your eyes, let your head fill with wishes and love, then breath the word - when you awaken you will find yourself standing in Fairy Sweet's magical garden.

If you look closely in Fairy Sweet's garden it is full of wonderful things. When you first see it, you will think it is the most beautiful garden you have ever seen. But you must walk down the path lined with wildflowers to understand all the magical things that are happening in this fragrant place. Not only will you smell roses, tulips and cherry also can smell yummy raspberries, cotton candy and chocolate. Her garden has it never know who you will see sitting on a toadstool! You will find the most fantastic flowers dancing all around your feet as you move around the path. You must stop and feed the squirrels and hedgehogs running about. They LOVE to eat gumdrops from the large orange and yellow gum drop trees at the end of the path. You will see butter colored butterflies and busy buzzy bumblebees floating all around the sky. As you pass Fairy Sweet's flower cart, you will see your reflection in a crystal clear pond. This is not just any normal pond, but a singing pond. Upon every lily pad is a perfectly placed green frog singing or humming along in the most amazing tunes. Sometimes they will be singing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" and other times you will hear them tapping their toes in a rhythm that just makes you smile. Fairy Sweet just adores working among her friends in the garden. She has taken to a very special little critter, Pincushion, the Hedgehog! He caught her eye when she was picking flowers for one of her cupcake tea parties. She thought he was the cutest little hedgie that she has ever seen. They have been together ever since. Fairy Sweet and Pincushion just love to spend time together feeding the horses and birdies in her pink barn. Please watch your step as you walk around the barn as the horses do tend to leave their own treasures behind!

At the very bottom of Fairy Sweet's garden there is a toadstool - it isn't very big to look at, but oh the wonders that wait inside. As you walk toward the toadstool, you will notice it isn't exactly like the other toadstools in the garden. It has windows, a door and even a letter box! As you get closer you begin to believe you might just be able to fit through the door. All you need to do is knock three times and then hop twice on your left foot. The door will open and before you is Fairy Sweet's house - each time you enter, you will find something different. One day, you might be lucky enough to find her library with all her favorite books - Fairy Sweet loves Princess tales. You might also find the room where all her dolls live and play together - if you've never seen a doll that is truly alive, you are really in for a treat. Some days you might just catch a glimpse inside Fairy Sweet's wardrobe - with her red boots, leg warmers and all her fanciest dresses. If your feeling a bit hungry you will probably find Fairy Sweet's kitchen where she loves to bake, especially her favorite food... cupcakes! You never know when the tooth fairy is going to pay a visit!!! Fairy Sweet sleeps in the pretties pink bedroom. Her bed looks like a giant pink TUTU. You know her day is done when she puts on her precious pajamas and drifts to sleep on her pink TUTU cloud.
As Fairy Sweet was showing us around her beautiful garden, she noticed a little blue bird hovering above her head. She saw a shiny letter in his beak. Fairy Sweet took the note and read it. Fairy Sweet squealed with excitement as she discovered it was an invite to the Twilight Market. This is something that Fairy Sweet and Pincushion have been wanting to go to for many years and now they get the chance. Fairy Sweet's mind is swirling with details. What shall she wear? What will she pack? What will it be like? We do hope you join Fairy Sweet and her friends on February 10th as they take the journey to the amazing Twighlight Market, in the CUBE!
wooooooooooo hooooooooooooo looks awesome Fairy Sweet. Looking forward to reading about the group and what sugar3 has in store...